In the first episode of our video series of expert interviews with SAG 2024 speakers, Diana Montalion shares her expertise on designing software systems and improving the flow of knowledge within organizations to create better systems – together.
February 28, 2025
In anticipation of Lars Röwekamp's session "Generative AI Meets Software Architecture" and Workshop "From Zero to Production: Build Your Own GenAI Solution.", Lukas Zühl and Richard Wallintin (both WPS – Workplace Solutions) asked him some relevant questions.
October 3, 2024
In anticipation of Diana Montalion's exciting contributions to SAG 2024, the iSAQB took the opportunity to sit down with her to talk about her workshop "Systems Architecture – Live Experience!" and her session "Architecture is Designing Knowledge Flow" in advance.
October 3, 2024
In anticipation of Allard Buijze's session "Event Sourcing – Technical Detail or Architectural Powerhorse?", Lukas Zühl and Richard Wallintin (both WPS – Workplace Solutions) asked him some relevant questions.
September 13, 2024
In anticipation of Uwe Friedrichsen's workshop "Architecture Kickstart – From Zero to Productive in (Almost) No Time" and session "Where Do We Go From Here? – Mastering the Changed Needs of Architectural Work", Lukas Zühl (WPS - Workplace Solutions) asked him some relevant questions.
September 3, 2024
In anticipation of Rob Horn's session, "Patterns of Legacy Displacement", Richard Wallintin and Lukas Zühl (both WPS - Workplace Solutions) asked him a few questions, e.g., "Is it the inevitable fate of any software system to be subject of a legacy displacement effort?" or "If you had to give just one advice to a company striving to replace a legacy system, what would it be?"
August 13, 2024
In anticipation of Amal Tahri's session, "Evolution Patterns of Sociotechnical Systems", we asked her a number of questions, e.g.: Why are sociotechnical systems relevant for software architects? And what are evolutionary patterns in sociotechnical systems?
November 13, 2023
In anticipation of Klemens Skibicki's keynote, "Digital Transformation Management Is Also a Mental Transformation of Leadership!", we asked him a number of questions about his views on digital transformation and leadership success in the face of this structural change.
October 17, 2023
In this interview, Heidi Waterhouse discusses the topic of her session "Seven Righteous Fights". What are the 'Seven Righteous Fights' in software development? Heidi talks about the need to challenge assumptions and actively allocate resources for better user and developer experiences. She also explains how addressing these fights early can help mitigate technical debt and long-term challenges in software development.
October 4, 2023
In anticipation of Ralf D. Müller's session, "Using AI in Software Design: How ChatGPT Can Help With Creating a Solution Architecture", we asked him a number of questions, including his experience with ChatGPT as a tool for solving specific sub-problems in the iSAQB Advanced Level Mock Exam and the role of ChatGPT as a knowledge repository in software architecture tasks.
September 28, 2023
In anticipation of Mark Richard's keynote, "The Intersection of Architecture and Implementation", Dehla Sokenou and Lukas Zühl (WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a series of questions about his views and experiences on the alignment of software architecture and implementation.
September 21, 2023
In anticipation of Ruchi Agarwal's session, "How Does Netflix Build Software to Streamline Organizational Operations", Dehla Sokenou and Lukas Zühl (WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a series of questions about the challenges and innovative solutions Netflix has faced in developing internal tools to streamline operations and increase the productivity of its global workforce.
September 19, 2023
In anticipation of Prajakta Kadam's and Vishek Pratap's session, "AI Is Changing Our Job Roles", Dehla Sokenou and Lukas Zühl (both WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a number of questions for them, e.g.: How can we use AI tools like ChatGPT to improve our skills? And how will the relationship between humans and AI evolve in the workplace?
September 5, 2023
In anticipation of Emily Jiang's session, "Rethink Microservices", Richard Wallintin (WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a number of questions about her view on the microservices hype and her choice of frameworks for a modern and successful application development.
November 1, 2022
October 3, 2024
Mahbouba Gharbi is member of the Advisory Board of this year's SAG Digital conference. Due to this function and her role as Chairwoman of the Board of iSAQB, we had a number of questions for her about software architecture trends and the international significance of iSAQB.
October 25, 2022
In anticipation of Gernot Starke's and Peter Hruschka's workshop, "Two Shockingly Recurring Problems", Richard Wallintin (WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a number of questions for them about the nature of these recurring problems, and their efforts to overcome them with systematic methods.
October 20, 2022
In anticipation of Gregor Hohpe's keynote, "The Architect Elevator: Connecting IT and Boardroom", Richard Wallintin (WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a number of questions for Gregor about his metaphor of the "architect elevator", software systems as sociotechnical systems, and the role of architects in them.
October 11, 2022
In anticipation of Manfred Steyer's session, Micro-Frontends With Module Federation: Beyond the Basics, Richard Wallintin (WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a number of questions for Manfred about his enthusiasm for module federation, the future with micro-frontends and what challenges teams can face with frontend frameworks.
September 29, 2022
In anticipation of Sander Hoogendoorn's session, "Microservices From the Trenches. A Real-Life Practical Guide Through the Architecture, Design, and Code.", Richard Wallintin (WPS - Workplace Solutions) had a number of questions for Sander about taking small steps and making mistakes in software development and why working with small, agile teams is good.
September 28, 2022
In anticipation of Jeff Sussna's keynote, What Comes After Team Topologies?, iSAQB member Eberhard Wolff had a number of questions for Jeff about applying Team Topologies to real-world projects, the responsibilities of architects, and where microservices and cloud approaches fit into all this.
September 21, 2022
In this talk, Chris Richardson describes loose coupling and modularity and why they are essential. You will learn about three architectural patterns: traditional monolith, modular monolith and microservices. I describe the benefits, drawbacks and issues of each pattern and how well it supports rapid, reliable, frequent and sustainable development.
March 3, 2022
In this talk, Kevlin Henney looks at the relationship of knowledge to software, the codification of knowledge in architecture, the acquisition of knowledge to development process, and how we can make progress in the presence of known unknowns, unknown unknowns and unknowable unknowns.
February 24, 2022
Software Architecture is about the important things, where “important” means high-risk and hard-to-change decisions. DevOps tries to develop a culture where constant experimentation and learning takes place while the environment changes rapidly. How can this fit together?
February 16, 2022
We have been building software systems for over sixty years, and they continue to grow in size and complexity. Many of them have become large obscure tangles of legacy code that drives up development costs. Is this inevitable? What can we do to get our Legacy in good shape and keep it that way?
February 11, 2022
We see a lot of confusion regarding architectural work these days. When? How much? Who? Tons of heated debates and nobody asking the essential question: Why? But without asking Why, all the other questions are futile. Thus, we will start this session by asking: *Why* do we need architectural work? And which problem(s) does it address?
February 3, 2022
“For a DevOps team, one of the main goals is to provide continuous delivery of value for end users. As a result, you’re working as a team in small increments and try to deliver new features to production as soon and often as possible, and get as much feedback as you can along the way. When a team is moving at such a fast pace, continuously adding new features and refining existing ones, it can be difficult for a software architect to keep up.”
September 21, 2021
In his upcoming session “Domain-Driven Design & Legacy: Evolution not Revolution” Eberhard Wolff, will look at how to improve your legacy systems using Domain-Driven Design. We sat down with him to ask him a little about the topic.
September 16, 2021
“I see tons of recommendations *how* to do architectural work better. But at least from what I have seen, none of them asks the *why* question. Architecture and architectural work are declared ‘important’ without any further justification or explanation, just for being what they are. For me, it feels like architectural work has become an end in itself in most places.”
September 13, 2021
“Teaching a subject like software architecture only goes so far, then apprenticeship or something similar should kick in. Software architectures are too different, and we don’t the formal rigor of other engineering disciplines to allow objective analysis to the degree of more established engineering disciplines. Software architecture still relies on experience to make good trade-off analysis decisions, which is hard to teach.”
September 3, 2021
In this blog post, Dr Annegret Junker explains how integration architectures are the key to modern applications in hybrid cloud environments or even in mixed hybrid cloud and classic environments.
September 1, 2021
“I’ve been working in the software architecture field for a couple of decades now, and one of the consistent issues I’ve seen through that whole period of time is a lack of agreement on how architectures should be visualized. This is interesting to me, since — as a creative field — one would think that architecture’s natural expression would be through visual models. The good news is there is lots of published thinking in this area, and the idea of having consistent visualizations as part of our discipline is now getting some attention.”
August 27, 2021
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