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Conference program

iSAQB Software Architecture Gathering 2024

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  • Session (45min)
  • Intermediate
  • 12 Nov 2024
  • 16:30-17:15
  • Room 2

Architectural Patterns for Fast Flow

by Chris Richardson

In order to thrive in today’s volatile and uncertain world, businesses needs to innovate at a much faster pace. Recognizing this, IT organizations are adopting the principles and practices of DevOps and the organizational patterns defined by Team Topologies. But while DevOps and Team topologies are vital for delivering the fast flow of changes that today’s businesses need, they are insufficient. To prevent applications from becoming obstacles to rapid change, IT must also create architectures that support fast flow.

In this presentation, I describe a collection of architectural patterns that enable DevOps and Team Topologies to deliver a fast flow of changes. You will learn about how to decide between the monolithic and microservice architecture. I’ll discuss patterns for designing a monolithic architecture that minimize the various kinds of coupling that inhibit fast flow. You will learn how to design an architecture that enables your organization to thrive in today’s uncertain world.