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Asia's Largest Publisher of IT & Tech Books

BPB Publications is prominently known as Asia's Largest Publishers of IT Books and for past 62 years, we have been consistent in delivering high-quality content to enhance the learning experience of knowledge seekers. Our Chairman, Sh. G.C. Jain has been honoured with the PADMASHREE award by the Hon’ble President of India for his contribution in spreading IT Education in India. BPB has been a friend, philosopher and guide for programmers, developers, hardware technicians, IT professionals, etc. who have made things happen in the IT World.

So far, the brand has published over 6,000+ titles and has sold over 10 crore computer books.

Technology sector is moving rapidly and has never been more exciting and challenging. As we all know that today the technology has covered every area of our life. Rapid technological innovation and advancements adds to the huge amount of excitement. On one hand, technologies like Artificial intelligence bring tremendous changes in the business operations and on the other, block chain is exposing us to many exciting opportunities. At this particular juncture, the unavailability of strong and high-quality content to understand these trending technologies is making this situation difficult to deal with because poor-quality content dilutes the effectiveness of learning ecosystem and hampers the overall process of knowledge sharing. Moreover, it does not serve any purpose for the audience.